How to add a blog post to your WordPress website

First you need to be logged in to your website.
You can do that by going to:

If you don’t know your password you can reset it by clicking the “Forgot Password” link, and then submitting your email address.
Make sure you set a strong password

Once you’re logged in to your website on the dashboard:

Image of the dashboard menu link you click to add a new blog post in WordPress

Or from the black “admin bar” at the top of your site:
Image of the admin bar link you click to add a new blog post in WordPress

When you click one of the “New Post” or “Add Post” links You will be taken to a page that looks like this:
An image of the New Post Screen in WordPress

Add Your ​Title at the top.
Image of the text field you use to add your title to a blog post in WordPress

Then add any ​blog post text content and any images ​in the main text box in the center…
Image of the text editor screen you use to add your content to a blog post in WordPress

You can add images by clicking the “Add Media” button above,
Image of the button you click to add media and images to a blog post in WordPress

and you can add a “Featured Image” to display prominently at the top of your article using the “Set featured image” box near the bottom of the right hand sidebar.
An image of the controls for setting a Featured Image in WordPress

You can also save, publish or even schedule your blog post to publish using the publish box to the right​.
An image of the post publishing controls in WordPress

​Adding a video is the exact same process, except you just have to paste a link to the video instead of writing the content.

However, that means you have to have the video created and hosted somewhere before you can add it to your site. You can do this for free with a YouTube Account